Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Jay walking at night

Listening to the radio (95FM) nowadays can leave an unnecessary plastered grin on your face. And well, you just feel generally funny, so cracking jokes to grin even wider is the norm.

It was already around 8PM and it was raining. I was just about to park the car next to my sisters place and i saw one little man shrouded under what looked like a plastic sack. He kept walking in the middle of the road and and i flashed my headlights repeatedly to get him to move out of the way.

Unfortunately he didn't want to. So my brother who was in the co-drivers seat told me to blow him up, and i promptly did. I blew the horn and he quickly stepped aside.

I said, "What the hell man, couldn't he see the light?"

just then, i corrected myself and said "Wait...I think he wanted to see the light"

My brother took a few seconds to get it.

Ok.. it was funny then... stop frowning...

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