It took us probably a week of planning for a silly, yet completely exhilarating game of Pictionary. A few of us got together and decided that we needed to have some fun. And since none of us quite enjoy the luxury of passive smoking and nor do the women enjoy the excitement of getting pinched at a bar. We decided that a game of Pictionary was possibly the inanest thing we could do.
My cousins had flown down from Bangalore for a break and were staying with me so I dragged them along too. Not that they needed much dragging when I told them that we were going to play Pictionary. Anyway we had played tons of it when we were little and were already masters of the universe, in a matter of speaking. All of us were fortunate enough to be given a piece of the artistic brain when we were born, so when we teamed up, a flawless victory was more or less guaranteed. Every time we think of such things, the world shudders and a silence is left after our pretty pathetic *Evil Laugh*.
A game of Pictionary is more like war. People see a side of me that even I didn't know existed. Something like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Though am still confused who is it that they like better the Hyde part of me or the Jekyll. The board is like a battle ground and who ever tries to mess the initial status quo is in for trouble. Just don't let the shit hit the fan else it'll get messy. People play for pride and honour until it gets violent, then everyone just plays to survive. In fact I think most wars are fought only for survival. You can't really enjoy the honour and valour recognitions' when you're a dead person.
So finally, The date was set, it was a Sunday, I think. Or was it a Saturday...hmm... never mind. All that matters is that we set a date and there were gonna be nine people there including me. A generally large room today seemed small, and the smell of anxiety and smelly socks loomed in the air. We were brought down to our knees and hands quite literally since the floor was the only place big enough to accommodate nine menacing warriors. I am sure some ladies would not like to be called that. Ho well... all the Xena's were there, ready to shed their womanliness. (Don't let your mind wander... You filthy, filthy minds)
We do the usual round of 'pugai' to be fair and determine the teams. Pugai is something like stone-paper-scissor, where we make hand gestures, and those with similar hand actions get into one team. My family was soon torn apart and we were now against each other. The playing field was leveled and the board game was anyones game. I was pitted against my own kind but I knew that, even that would not stop me from winning the game, and I laughed. And laughed once more. Just to make sure I had laughed the first time.
The game started and even though my team was the last to play its turn, we were already ahead because of the all plays (AP). Soon we raced ahead of everyone, much to everyones disgust and jealousy. I remained calm and composed through the entire game, probably because my team was winning. Though this did not stop me from turning into my other half. I was accused of being to competitive and shouty. I wonder what they meant...Am serious... this time I didn't need to do all that, because I was winning without having to try to hard. My true spirit was only seen in a few bursts of excitement. More excitement than competitiveness. It's strange how people can turn into something that they generally aren't.
Apparently in old Chinese culture, the brides dad used to invite the groom over for a game of Mahjong and gauge his reaction. Most grooms appear very nice and formal and sweet only because they are desperate to get hooked up. Most people get all sweet and nice when they want something, as soon as they get what they want they turn back into monsters. Me... well... am an angel. I am, I am....even when am playing... it's just that people get scared because I have a big head...
Anyway, so if the groom came across a loser, he would be told to scoot. And if he was too competitive and violent, the father would throw him out. I guess even the Chinese loved their tea to be perfect. Too strong and they'd spit it out, too weak and they'd still spit it out. It's quite a task to be perfectly normal isn't it. Games like Pictionary help you find that perfect balance. All your anger and all your emotions are out for everyone to see in those two hours. It's like being caught in your bathing suit. Sort of...
Anyway, for me games like Pictionary, bring out the competitive side of me. For my cousin, it's computer games. A guy who always appears to be relaxed and calm and always has a warm aura around him, turns into this monster that curses and screams and shouts till he finds a way to beat the computer. Literally sometimes. Once he runs out of curses, he just mumbles and grimaces and blurts 'rassamfassam' words. But that's the only time you'll ever see him in this state of Hydeness.
The game soon came to an end when my team destroyed the opponents who were still struggling to get beyond the first half of the board. As winners you must also learn to deal with the unwanted and mostly unnecessary evil glances after a flawless victory. Am sure am gonna get some now that I've written this down too. But I feel evil... heheh! It's nice, isn't it? Sometimes...