I decided to type something random just now, hoping that i can write something true and nonstop. If the reading become abrupt or stops its coz i have been thinking about what i want to write and thats not what i want to do. I just want to write things that come to my mind when i'm idol, In fact im wondering if what i just typed made anysense to anyone because i am not deleting anything that im typing so i cant make out if my sentence construction is making anysense. But then i dont care. I remember i had done this once when i was in school and i came up with some rather weird things. Absolutely not connected or attached. Its randomness. I talk about the animals i see on the street, alive and dead, i get a tingling sensation down my back everytime i see an animal on the road that has been hit. Its the worst. I dont understand what the animal would have gone through. I think about what my friends are upto. I keep wondering whats happeing, i think a lot. I guess its something im born with. And i dont think i want to change it because i know this is what makes me emotional and attached to things i want to be attached to. I wonder how i got in this position just now. I have been wondering where im going after this job. I dont even know what i want to do. I wonder if theres anyone as confused. Oh the other day i sang some cool songs and im soo happy that i can sing. I keep trying new styles but i guess i like ballads, in any style either rock or jazz or pop. ANything. At times i kinda get embarassed about what i do ad how i behave. I have never dared learning to dance coz im afraid that i would make an ass of myself infront of the other brilliant singers. I even didnt try out for my college tennis team for the same reason, oh and swimming and lots of other things. Its like not joining a gym coz you think your too thin. well one of the reason why i havent . so i guess i am weird, but then i dont know why is it that i think this way. And the fact is that i know that im good at what i do, and i dont know why i cant get over the fact of what other people think. Its really funny coz i keep telling everyone else to not bother about what others have to say. But when it comes to me i just keep thinking that way. I dont know what im upto in life. Wonder if this is a healthy attitude to follow. I guess i do require a lot of assurances to push myself furthur, i dont think i can assure myself about things alone. I always need opinions from my friends and all. Ok im thinking so im stopping.
Ramdev Baba and the marinaded mutton chops
8 years ago